The Living Planet Index Database is comprised of thousands of individual records generously contributed or sourced from across a wide range of scientific, conservation and government literature.

We are always keen to hear about datasets and data-sources that may add valuable data to the database. This is particularly true to help strengthen regional and national indices.

The best way to help us find new data depends on the type of data...

Individual papers or publications

If you've recently published or discovered a paper, report or publications that you feel may contain useful data please use the form below to let us know about it. Enter either a DOI or URL to let us know about the paper.

Larger datasets or databases

If you are aware of a larger dataset that you think might add valuable data to the Living Planet Index, please get in touch let us know about it. Enter a short description of the dataset.

Data Standards & supporting documents

If you are collecting your own data and would like to learn about how to format it such that it is easy to contribute to the Living Planet Index Database, the following documents might be useful.

Data Standards
This outlines the data standards used when entering data into the Living Planet Index Database. Defining what we mean by 'population', the kinds of abundance data we can use and the other important information we need
Data Entry Template form (xslx)
An excel spreadsheet with fields available for the data we need, a tab for population data, and a tab with the vocabulary for the fields.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Living Planet Index